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Privacy Policy

Media Usage

FABtale.com is a media sharing site. Any media you upload or use can potentially be viewed by anyone with the correct URL. Do not upload or use material that you want to stay confidential.


The FABzing software can be used without logging in. If you do this, we retain no personal information about you at all. If you choose to sign in using an account from Facebook, Twitter, etc, then we will retain enough information to recognize you when you log in again so that your personal settings can be applied and to allow you to load previously saved FABs.

Account Information

Some of the things you do on FABtale, like uploading pictures or music, require you to have a FABtale account.

Usage Information

Usage information means raw data such as how many pictures, music and video files you have uploaded, FABs you've watched or rated, and which features you use on our site. If you are logged in, this information can be associated with your account.

How does this information get used?

If you submit personally identifiable information to us through fabtale.com, we may use your personal information to operate, maintain, and provide to you the general and personalized features and functionality of the site, and to process any flagging activity or correspondence you send to us.

We do not use your email address or other personally identifiable information to send commercial or marketing messages without your consent or except as part of a specific program or feature for which you will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out. We may, however, use your email address without further consent for non-marketing or administrative purposes such as notifying you of major FABtale site changes or for customer service purposes.

We use non-personally-identifiable information (such as anonymous user usage data, cookies, IP addresses, browser type, etc.) to improve the quality and design of the FABtale site and to create new features, promotions, functionality, and services by storing, tracking, analysing, and processing user preferences and trends, as well as user activity and communications.

We use cookies to store information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit FABtale.com and monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, pages viewed, etc.

Who can see my information?

FABtale allows you to grab content from other sites, like Facebook and Flickr. You can also use content from anywhere on the internet. This means that anyone who sees your FAB can save it and remix your FAB or use the content in their works. Your account settings and details can only be seen by the administrative team and its servers.

How can I change or remove my information?

Your FABtale account can be de-activated at any time. All your FABs and content will remain active and viewable unless you delete them.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post a notification of it on our home page. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users of such intentions via e-mail. Users will have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in this different manner. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected.

How can I learn more about FABtale's Privacy Policy?

For any unanswered questions regarding your information, accounts, privacy or the Privacy Policy itself, send an email to support@FABtale.com

© 2017 FABtale Productions Pty Ltd